Have you ever wondered where the next generation of Facility Managers and all of the skilled trades persons needed to build and take care of our facilities are going to come from? Career and Technical Education programs are working to answer this question working with High School and Post Secondary students to develop technical and leadership skills that are in great demand today – including in Facility Management.
They work with trade associations including Associated General Contractors of Georgia (AGC Georgia) and Construction Ready to do this. AGC members work with students in the classroom then hold competitions in various construction trades in Regional competitions around the state.
The Regional winners then compete in state level competitions that are run in the SkillsUSA Georgia Conference Construction Expo.
The competitors at the state level have opportunities to demonstrate their skills, network and meet prospective employers. Companies who participate in the Expo get to see the students at work.
The FMPipeline Team (a 501C3 nonprofit corporation) runs the Facility Management Competition called FACILITHON as part of the SkillsUSA GA Conference and will have a booth in the Construction Expo on February 20-21, 2025, all at the Georgia World Congress Center. IFMA Atlanta is supporting this effort and needs two things from our membership:
- People to help staff the booth during the competition.
- Funding to defray the cost of the booth ($1,000) or to sponsor prizes for the FACILITHON competitors. This can be done by sending a check with memo “for SkillsUSA Georgia Facilithon Support” to:
FM Pipeline Team, Inc.
6107 South Ct.
McFarland, WI 53558
In addition to the opportunity to see the competitors at work, companies who provide people or funding will be recognized at the booth and volunteers will have the opportunity to talk with advisors and parents of the students.
The Expo is not open to the public, so take advantage of this opportunity to spend some time with your fellow IFMA Atlanta members and the next generation of FM.
Please let me know if you will be able to help in any way.
Ken Stephenson- Academic Relations Committee