June 2014 President’s Letter

To all my fellow Chapter members: As my presidential term comes to a close, I look back in awe at what the chapter has accomplished. I have been fortunate to preside over a year when a number of chapter activities came to fruition that had been ongoing, in some cases for years, beforehand. I cannot…


GT Corner

Time for a quiz! Often when IFMA members think of facility management students, they envision young people who are full-time students and need to learn about working world in addition to the specialties of facility management. But non-traditional students make up the majority of Georgia Tech’s FM students. How many members of IFMA Atlanta have…


Sustainability Corner

http://www.doi.gov/greening/energy/cottonwood.cfm Case Study – Department of Interior – Solar installation and other energy saving measures – Cottonwood Visitor Center – Joshua Tree National Park – Twenty-nine Palms, California If you would like to read more about the Department of the Interior Federal Energy Saver program – and how the DOI is Greening our National Parks,…


May President’s Letter

Dear fellow Chapter members: Just saw the photos from the Spring Classic – looks like a great time as always, one of the highlights of the IFMA year when members, family and guests can get out and enjoy a day of healthy activity as well as build and strengthen their business and social networks. Congratulations…


Sustainability Corner

Case study – Department of Interior – Solar installation – National Park Service – Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore – Michigan http://www.doi.gov/greening/energy/north-manitou-island.cfm If you would like to read more about the Department of the Interior Federal Energy Saver program – and how the DOI is Greening our National Parks, click here: http://www.doi.gov/greening/energy/efficiency.cfm  


President’s letter April 2014

Dear fellow Chapter members: Spring is here! I’m sure everyone is as relieved as I am that this past winter’s wet, cold, snowy and icy days are – we hope – over. I also hope that many of us are thinking about the IFMA Atlanta Spring Classic coming up very soon, with golf, tennis, horseback riding…
