2013 IFMA Advocacy Day
Read an article written by Christy Jellets, Camp Property Manager with Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta. Christy recently attended Advocacy Day and submitted this summary article: 2013 IFMA Advocacy Day article
The premier, focused resource for professional development and innovative solutions in strategic facility management.
Read an article written by Christy Jellets, Camp Property Manager with Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta. Christy recently attended Advocacy Day and submitted this summary article: 2013 IFMA Advocacy Day article
Congratulations to the Atlanta Chapter of the International Facility Management Association for winning the IFMA Awards of Excellence 2013 Large Chapter of the Year Award! The awards committee cited the chapter’s innovation in a number of areas, including: Exceptional use of a Balanced Scorecard to track goals and keep the chapter aligned with its parent…
DetailsFor over a decade, the Atlanta chapter of the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) has been a strong supporter of educational programs in the field. Over 10 years ago, it helped get a master’s degree program in Facility Management started at Georgia Tech, and in the past year assisted in starting an undergraduate degree program…
DetailsA big CONGRATS to our fabulous Chapter for winning Large Chapter of the Year at World Workplace this year!!! We worked hard for this award! Thank you to the entire membership for all of yourcontributions!
Career Mentoring Program Update By Joe Carroll, Chair, Career Services Committee The IFMA-Atlanta chapter Career Mentoring Program has been operational for nearly two years. We had 10 Mentees use the program and had a total of 7 Mentors. This program enables one person (the Mentor) to facilitate the development of another person (the Mentee) by…
DetailsThe Atlanta Chapter of IFMA Becomes Authorized Provider of IACET CEUs International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) has awarded the Atlanta Chapter of the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) the prestigious Authorized Provider accreditation. IACET Authorized Providers are the only organizations approved to offer IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs). The accreditation period extends…
DetailsThe International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) has awarded the Atlanta Chapter of the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) the prestigious Authorized Provider accreditation. IACET Authorized Providers are the only organizations approved to offer IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs). The accreditation period extends for five years, and includes all programs offered or created…
DetailsThank you to our IFMA World Workplace Hospitality Suite Sponsors: Document Technologies (DTI), Royal Cup Coffee and TrilogyFM!!
The mission of IFMA Atlanta Community Services Committee is to assist nonprofit organizations in improving their facilities, maximizing the value of their facility dollars so that more funds can go to their program operations. From the forming of the Committee in 1997, we have grown from serving one Nonprofit Partner to serving twelve partners this…