BIM Related Webinar Presented by Perkins + Will

Next Wednesday IFMA’s BIM Lifecycle Operations Community of Practice (BIMLO COP) will present our second of four BIM related webinars for 2013 – ‘How Integrated Project Delivery And BIM Are Used And Provide Value For Your Capital Projects’ presented by DPR Construction and Perkins + Will I’ve been working with both presenters and can state that their presentation material is…


Atlanta Workplace Videos

On February 22, 2013, IFMA Atlanta – in conjunction with its partners, IIDA Georgia and the Atlanta branch of the USGBC of GA held a one day educational conference called “Atlanta Workplace.” Three tracks – operations, sustainability, and design – were offered to attendees. As an added benefit to our members, each session was recorded…


IFMA Atlanta’s Partnership with OC Atlanta Magazine

Since 2009, IFMA Atlanta has had a very successful partnership with a quarterly real estate magazine called OC Atlanta (previously called “Office & Commercial Atlanta”). In exchange for providing two articles per issue, the magazine sends a complimentary copy to all chapter members. PDF copies of the magazine can be downloaded at This is…
