July, 2011 USGBC Postings

Prepare for the LEED Green Associate exam at this education event held on Friday, 7/8 8:30 am at Trane Training Center, 2677 Buford Highway, Atlanta. USGBC-GA Green Asssociate Exam Prep Course – Register at: http://usgbcga.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_mc&view=mc&Itemid=110 Please join other “emerging green” professionals for a Summer Farm Social on Sunday, 7/10 11:00 am at Gaia Gardens.  Register…


Upcoming "Green" Events

Here are some sustainability-related events around metro Atlanta for the month of April: Please join other “emerging green” professionals for a free kickoff social on Tuesday, 4/5 5:30-8:00 pm at Ecco Earn AIA, CSI and LEED GBCI credential maintenance continuing education credit at this education event held on Friday, 4/8 8:00 am -5:00 pm at…


Upcoming Green Events in Atlanta

Please join other “green” professionals for February’s networking event held on the second Tuesday each month. This month is Tuesday, 2/8 5:00-9:00 pm USGBC Green Scene Atlanta at 5 Seasons Brewery Westside: http://www.usgbcga.org/programs/events-calendar/297 Earn LEED credential maintenance continuing education credit at this education event held on the third Thursday each month. Thursday, 2/17 3:30-5:00 pm…


2010 IFMA Atlanta Award Winners

the Martha Osborne CFM Award. It is presented to a Chapter CFM member for outstanding contributions to Facility Management in general and to IFMA Atlanta in particular. He or she represents exemplary experience, serves as a role model for the Chapter and potential CFM candidates, and provides support to promote the certification of members. The…
