IFMA Atlanta Announces Sponsorship Winners for World Work Place

The Atlanta Chapter’s Foundation and Sponsorships Committee considered a number of applications for sponsorship to IFMA’s World Work Place and the following individuals have been selected: Dee Raya, The Coca Cola Company, IFMA Atlanta Foundation and Sponsorships Committee Chair Joanne Cole, SFP, CFM – CDC, IFMA Atlanta Past President and Facebook Vice Chair Quindell Myrick,…

International Association of Continuing Education and Training (IACET) Accreditation Update

In recognition of Harriet Whelihan, CFM, LEED AP BD+C, UPS   In Fall, 2010 IFMA Atlanta was notified that our international organization would no longer support continuing education units (CEUs).   In early 2011, the Chapter Board of Directors voted to pursue CEU accreditation from the International Association of Continuing Education and Training (IACET).   Because the IACET…

IFMA 30th Anniversary Celebration

The IFMA Atlanta 30th anniversary celebration was held on Thursday, August2, 2012 at the Atlanta Botanical Garden.  Festivities began at 4:30 pm and lasted until 7:30 pm with live entertainment from our past presidents as they reflected on their past service and what they saw in our future.  Also, several of our Sustaining Patrons were…

2010 IFMA Atlanta Award Winners

the Martha Osborne CFM Award. It is presented to a Chapter CFM member for outstanding contributions to Facility Management in general and to IFMA Atlanta in particular. He or she represents exemplary experience, serves as a role model for the Chapter and potential CFM candidates, and provides support to promote the certification of members. The…

December Awards Ceremony Recognizes Sustaining Patrons

At its December awards ceremony, IFMA Atlanta took the opportunity to pay special recognition to our corporate Sustaining Patrons. IFMA Atlanta Sustaining Patrons represent an elite group of companies and organizations that have made a powerful statement in support of facility management.  By giving their financial support to the chapter they support quality educational luncheons…