IFMA Atlanta Presents Certificate of Nonprofit Facility Management

IFMA ATLANTA PRESENTS CERTIFICATE OF NONPROFIT FACILITY MANAGEMENT AT GEORGIA CENTER FOR NONPROFITS In five sessions, IFMA Atlanta Community Services Committee is presenting the five-part Certificate of Nonprofit Facility Management through Nonprofit University at Georgia Center for Nonprofits.  Representatives from nonprofit organizations are learning to master the essentials of renovating and maintaining their facilities with…

IFMA Atlanta Casino Night

SAVE THE DATE!! Thursday October 2, 2014  6pm – 9 pm  I FMA Casino Night  brought to you by IFMA Atlanta Associates Committee  Join us for a night of fun and networking at Georgia Tech Wardlaw Center.  Heavy Appetizers, Wine/Beer, Entertainment and of course fun at the tables with your fellow IFMA members! Mark Your…

SPSU Corner – August

Cherri Watson Organizes Successful Fundraiser Held By SPSU’s Construction Industry Advisory Board On Friday, April 25, 2014, industry professionals joined SPSU Construction Management Department faculty, alumni and students for their annual Sporting Clays Fundraiser. The event was held at Etowah Valley Sporting Clays Course in the hills of Dawsonville, Georgia from 10:00 a.m. until 3:30…

GA Tech Corner July 2014

Time for a quiz!  Often when IFMA members think of facility management students, they envision young people who are full-time students and need to learn about working world in addition to the specialties of facility management.  But non-traditional students make up the majority of Georgia Tech’s FM students. How many members of IFMA Atlanta have…

IFMA 2014 Volunteer Day

On Saturday, May 3, thirty-one IFMA Atlanta members, family, and friends turned out to assist our Nonprofit Partner Atlanta Community ToolBank with renovations in their new warehouse. ToolBank is using volunteers to help demolish interior walls and rooms in their new facility, which will save them approximately $25,000 on their renovation costs.  Skilled IFMA volunteers…

Congrats IFMA Atlanta Member William Broome!

William Broome & his entire department at The Westminster Schools were chosen to receive the FMXcellance Award from Building Operating Management Magazine.  They were awarded for their contribution to the entire Westminster organization, for their efforts in sustainability, energy and cost reduction. William’s department will be recognized at a general session at the National Facilities Management &…