IFMA Announces Dates for 2011 Advocacy Day

Decisions made in Washington , D.C. , are increasingly affecting the built environment. Whether it is the newly announced Better Buildings Initiative energy efficiency, tax incentives for green technologies or the possible implementation of a carbon cap and trade system, now more than ever, the facility management profession needs to make its voice heard in…

Trading Pins at World Workplace

One of the pleasures of attending World Workplace is the energy generated by Chapters from all over the world proudly displaying and “trading” their chapter pins.  Each year International has a “Best Pin” contest at the IFMA Central booth and — you may not know this — last year the Atlanta Chapter won the contest…

Recap: Tour of CNN Center (June 24, 2010)

Over 40 IFMA members attended a private tour of the headquarters of the CNN Center on Thursday, June 24.  Located in downtown Atlanta, CNN Center features more than 1.2 million square feet of office, retail, and restaurant space.  The site spans several city blocks and contains CNN’s main newsrooms, as well as several of the…

FMs Need to "Go Organic"

Chapter President, Joanne Cole, points us to a great article in the British Institute of Facility Management’s “FM World” magazine urging Facility Managers to “Go Organic.” The story encourages FMs to broaden their experience and become comfortable with working outside their traditional silos. The story ends with an interesting, and possibly prescient point, The next…

IFMA Young Professionals Mixer – Thursday!

IFMA Young Professionals is a group dedicated to providing Facility Managers under 35 years old with an avenue for meeting their peers, sharing experiences and networking! The group also has a lot of fun in the process. We are pleased to announce that the next Young Professionals social will be on May 21st @5pm. It…