In my opinion, the Atlanta Chapter is already the BEST in the world. However, there is always room for improvement. This is YOUR Chapter….help us make it better!! This year there are a few ways we can achieve this goal.
First, we will be sending out a revamped (and yes, longer) member survey. Please take the time to complete the survey. Again, the Atlanta Chapter is YOUR chapter and we want to know how we are doing. The Board is here to serve you and give you the most out of your membership. However, to do that effectively, we need to know what you think. Be on the lookout for this survey over the next couple of weeks. Oh…and did I mention if you participate you could win $100?!
Secondly, a personal goal of mine is to host (4) focus groups this year. The intent of these focus groups is to find out what YOU want out of your membership. After all, this is YOUR chapter. I will be reaching out to many of you for participation. However, if you would like to be included in one, please contact me.
Lastly, as most of you know, IFMA Chapters all over the world have adopted the Balanced Scorecard to provide a method for aligning business activities to organizational strategy. The Atlanta Chapter’s vision & mission statement have been translated into specific goals & a set of performance measures was established to monitor our success in achieving our goals. A few of this year’s goals are listed below.
- Hold at least 6 CEU approved luncheon programs
- Offer CFM & SFP study sessions
- Coordinate joint educational events with USGBC, Better Buildings Challenge & Southface
- Offer educational webinars
- Increase the KSU Scholarship from $5,000 to $10,000
There are numerous other goals for the year. The Balanced Scorecard is being finalized and will be posted on the website soon.
As I bring this month’s newsletter to a close, I would like to say that while this is an organization built on business, often these business relationships turn into friendships. Many of you are not just my business associate but you are my friend. At this month’s luncheon, I look forward to announcing a special tribute to a friend to so many and a long-time member of this Chapter, Eugene De Nijs Bik. I hope to see you all there.
As always, I am here to serve you and your Chapter. I welcome your comments, feedback and suggestions. Have a fantastic August!!