IFMA Logo - 2010  


December 2013


Photos from the November Luncheon 






2013-2014 Board of Officers


Kenneth Bryson, AIA, LEED, AP

Tel: 770-488-2409

Vice President, Elect:

Joseph Geierman, CFM, FMP

Tel: 404-885-3557


VP, Communications: 

Christy Lowell

Cell: 404-734-1270


VP, Professional Development: 

Kenneth Stephenson, CFM, AIA

Tel: 770-488-2557


Gene Leyba

Tel: 678-366-7045 

Treasurer: Dan Walther

Tel: 678.731.5926 

Past President: 

Annette Gorelick

Tel: 770-314-5215





Chair - Sustaining Patrons

Harry Ludwig   

King & Spalding, LLP

[email protected]

Chair - Membership

Dawn Abraham   


[email protected]


Chair - Associates

Peter Van Cleave 

Water for Life 

[email protected] 


Chair - Newsletter 

Tammy Weeks 


[email protected] 


Chair - IFMA Foundation & Scholarships 

Dee Raya 

The Coca-Cola Company 

[email protected]


Co-Chair Community Services 

Richard Yarbrough 

TL Gowin & Co., Inc. 

[email protected]


Co-Chair Community Services

Emily Perry 

Harris Perry & Associates, Inc. 

[email protected]


Chair - Programs 

Jeff DellaMaggiora


[email protected]


Chair - Education 

Tom Haslach

Trilogy FM

[email protected]


Chair - Sustainability

Clara Smith

[email protected]


Chair - Career Management 

Joseph Carroll 

IST Management Services 

[email protected]


Chair - Tours 

Martha Smith
CH Briggs 

[email protected]


Chair - Emerging Leaders

Carrie May


[email protected] 


Chair - Golf/Tennis Classic 

Stephen Christopher 

Royal Cup, Inc. 

[email protected]


Chair - Atlanta Workplace

Pam Essler

[email protected] 


Chair - CFM Certification

Harriet Whelihan

[email protected]




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 Read our blog at



Links to

Sustaining Patrons 

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 Turner Construction - Special Projects







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  DTI 2013 SP  


    Dyson Airblade 










APCO Logo - BRONZE 150 x 150















HM 2013 SP




Haworth 2013 SP    


Humphries and Company






TrilogyFM 2013 SP  



Mohawk Logo - SILVER 175 x 175



  Technical Innovation SP Logo

TL Gowan Ad - Bronze


UPS 2013 SP    




Turner Construction Ad




Fellow Atlanta Chapter members:  every now and then I come across the question "what is a 'professional member'?"  I'm convinced that every member of the Chapter sees herself or himself as a "professional" in the sense that she/he practices a "profession" in some form, whether it's working in the ranks of corporate management, running a facility, or playing a valuable role in the delivery of goods and services. From that standpoint, we are all definitely "professionals." IFMA, however, has a specific definition for a "Professional Member," and I'd like to take a few moments of your reading time to go back over that definition as well as the other types of membership, straight from the IFMA international web site. I hope this won't be dull reading, as I think it neatly expresses the ideals and principles that guide us all as members of the organization. I would be very happy if it spurs you to think about your own image as a "professional" and the potential value of your role in the Chapter. I hope you are all having a great holiday season, and look forward to seeing you at the Awards luncheon on December 18!


Professional Member

FM Professional, Transitioning to an FM Career, Job Seeker, Other Workplace Professional


Open to facility practitioners and educators whose primary responsibilities are to provide, oversee or teach one (or more) facility management core competency. Please review the following core competencies and examples:

  • Communications: Technology, integration and knowledge management.
  • Finance: (with regard to real estate and facilities) Analyzing, accounting, forecasting, budgeting, tax auditing and controlling.
  • Human & Environmental Factors: Environmental, health and safety, workplace dynamics, teamwork, interpersonal behaviors and ergonomics.
  • Leadership & Management: Code compliance, telecommunications, purchasing, security, food service, reprographics, building services, transportation, furnishings and equipment inventory, maintenance and outsourcing management.
  • Operations & Maintenance: Physical plant, preventative maintenance, conservation and energy management systems.
  • Planning & Project Management: Strategic, tactical and annual facility planning; new construction and/or renovation; interior space planning and design; workplace specifications, installation and space management; and architecture and/or engineering projects.
  • Quality Assessment & Innovation: International standards organization, standards, facility audits and total quality management.
  • Real Estate: Acquisitions, financials, negotiations and/or disposal.
  • Technology: Development, implementation and maintenance of information technology systems.

Associate Member

Company Representative or Solutions Provider


Open to individuals whose primary responsibilities include: business development; sales and/or marketing as a consultant; representation of a manufacturer, vendor, dealer or distributor; and/or provider of facility-related products and services. No more than two representatives in the associate category from any organization may belong to any one chapter at a time.


Young Professional Member

Open to new IFMA members who are under the age of 30, and new or current IFMA members who graduated from an accredited university or college within the last 12 months at the time of application or membership reclassification/renewal. Young professional membership is limited to two years.


Student Member

Open to candidates who are engaged in full-time study at an accredited college or university. At such time as the member is no longer engaged in full-time study, he or she will be reclassified to the appropriate membership category. Verification of full-time student status may be required.  


Retired Member

Open to members in good standing upon their permanent retirement from full-time facility management practice, business development, sales and/or marketing. Should a retired member return to full-time employment as either a practitioner, in business development, or a sales and/or marketing position, he or she will be reclassified to the appropriate membership category.




Ken Bryson, AIA, LEED, AP

IFMA Atlanta Chapter President




Dekalb Office Ad    



Upcoming Events



December 18th - Annual Awards and Non-Profit Luncheon


This year at the December Luncheon, we are collecting gift cards to be distributed among our ten IFMA Atlanta Nonprofit Partners:  A Friend's House, Atlanta Community Tool Bank, Atlanta Mission, Clarkston Community Center, Covenant House, Decatur Cooperative Ministry, The Elaine Clark Center, Furniture Bank of Metro Atlanta, Project Community Connections, and Safe America Foundation.  Suggestions:  Home Depot/Lowe's, Kroger/Publix, Walmart/Target, Office Depot/Staples, QT,, Visa/AmEx.  Please bring gift cards to drop in the collection basket at the reception desk as you pick up your nametag.  Your generosity in support of our partner organizations is much appreciated!


Additionally, we will host a silent auction  featuring assorted art and decorative pieces from 11:30- 12:15.  Our own IFMA members will be entertaining us with live holiday music.  We will also present our annual membership awards for 2013.  Please come prepared to have some fun and take care of your holiday shopping (cash, checks and credit cards accepted).  All proceeds from the auction will go to the IFMA Foundation in support of our industry programs and educational partners!









January 15th - Maximizing Human Energy


Maximizing human energy is the key to driving productivity in the workplace.


As our society has shifted from a primarily farming and manufacturing based economy, to a white-collar or "knowledge-based" economy, there have been dramatic increases in obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and depression. 


One of the reasons for this health decline is that we have become much more sedentary due to the nature of our jobs. Fuel Builders is a consultancy whose mission is to use education, fitness and nutrition to increase energy in the workplace, and to offset the dangers of prolonged sitting, which is typical for many professionals. Founders Julie Crow and Steve Naturman will share information on the adverse health effects of prolonged sitting and how to prevent the injuries and illnesses that lead to absenteeism and lost productivity in the workplace.


Human capital is on the rise in the workplace, with companies spending 70-90 percent of their overall expenses on their workforce. The key is maximizing that human capital to stay competitive in a global economy.


Pending approval for Continuing Education Units

Core Competencies for CFM: Human and Environmental Factors







Past Events



November luncheon - The Innovative Imperative



We hope you enjoyed the November luncheon presentation on Why Workplace Strategy and Design are More Important than Ever.


Thank you Stephen Swicegood for your presentation and insight on Thomas Friedman's new book That Used to be Us: How America Lost its Way in the World We Invented describes the challenges businesses face today.




Baker Ad - BRONZE    ASD_Bronze



Sustaining Patron Appreciation


Thank you to all of our sustaining patrons!  Without you, the IFMA Atlanta Chapter would not be as successful!        



Entek  gowin logo



2013 IFMA Advocacy Day in Washington

By Christy Jellets, IFMA Atlanta Past President


christyWhy would a facility manager go all the way to Washington DC to have meetings with Congressmen that are not from their district or state?  Can't any conversations be done via snail mail, an e-mail or the telephone?  The answer is yes to all three. But being face-to-face with the lawmakers and their aides, gives me a voice.  I had the chance to represent each of you during the 2013 IFMA Advocacy Day.


This year the advocacy efforts of IFMA focus on supporting a Property Realignment Act (PRA)  This bipartisan legislation would require our government to look at its own real estate portfolio, 8300 buildings in the U.S., which are owned or leased, to determine which can be consolidated, sold to private industry, etc. The reduction in wasted space, efficiencies in building systems, reduced O&M budgets are money savers.  Can any of you imagine being allowed to move occupants into one floor of a vacant, 10 story high-rise when you have an empty floor two blocks away? Private industry regularly makes a case for realigning property to meet its business objectives.  


There are two bills in the House and one in the Senate that provide various suggestions on how to use part of the savings from the PRA to fund the Federal Building Personnel Training Act.  This act, vote into law in 2010, requires the government to set standards for facility employees and provide funds for training these government employees.  As with private businesses, don't we believe trained facility managers, those with credentials like those offered through IFMA, should be managing our governments' real estate portfolio?  Training of government facility staff, not only makes sense today, but creates opportunities for using their knowledge to implement energy efficiencies, create reduction in waste and developing building longevity.  


Locally, we are our legislator's resource when it comes to showing them how government can learn from private industry facility managers.  They beg for knowledge and we fortunate to have two IFMA employees in Washington walking the halls on our behalf.  


I would like to extend an invitation to any member to email me if they are interested in learning more about what they can do locally or while in Washington. If there is interest in meeting with State officials, I will be happy to organize an event for the Chapter.  Please contact me to discuss your interests or to hear about  my experience from the 8th Annual Public Policy Forum in Washington.




Haworth 2013 SP  



Sustainability Corner


IFMA SustainabilityObama Administration Expands Better Buildings Challenge to Multifamily Housing, Launches New Programs to Boost U.S. Energy Efficiency


To read more about this article, click here  


GA Tech Corner


This year a Georgia Tech student was again honored at the IFMA Foundation Reception with the Atlanta Chapter Scholarship of $5,000.  YongCheol Lee who is working on his Ph.D. in the College of Architecture received the scholarship and attended World Workplace 2013 in Philadelphia to learn and network with FM professionals and students.


Joseph Geierman presented the Atlanta Chapter Scholarship to YongCheol Lee at World Workplace 2013


With the scheduling flexibility built into the Georgia Tech Master's in Building Construction and Facility Management, students are graduating every semester.  This fall we have several graduates looking for new opportunities in FM.  If you have positions that you anticipate filling in the next 90 days, please share your position announcement or provide links to Brenda Morris at [email protected] or 404-395-7479.  We want to make sure that our graduates have opportunities so please share your openings with us and potentially find an excellent new employee.




Interested in contributing an article - or even in joining the Newsletter committee?  If so, then contact our Newsletter Committee Chair, Tammy Weeks, at [email protected]