IFMA Logo - 2010  


January 2014


Photos from the December Awards Luncheon 






2013-2014 Board of Officers


Kenneth Bryson, AIA, LEED, AP

Tel: 770-488-2409

Vice President, Elect:

Joseph Geierman, CFM, FMP

Tel: 404-885-3557


VP, Communications: 

Christy Lowell

Cell: 404-734-1270


VP, Professional Development: 

Kenneth Stephenson, CFM, AIA

Tel: 770-488-2557


Gene Leyba

Tel: 678-366-7045 

Treasurer: Dan Walther

Tel: 678.731.5926 

Past President: 

Annette Gorelick

Tel: 770-314-5215





Chair - Sustaining Patrons

Harry Ludwig   

King & Spalding, LLP

[email protected]

Chair - Membership

Dawn Abraham   


[email protected]


Chair - Associates

Peter Van Cleave 

Water for Life 

[email protected] 


Chair - Newsletter 

Tammy Weeks 


[email protected] 


Chair - IFMA Foundation & Scholarships 

Dee Raya 

The Coca-Cola Company 

[email protected]


Co-Chair Community Services 

Richard Yarbrough 

TL Gowin & Co., Inc. 

[email protected]


Co-Chair Community Services

Emily Perry 

Harris Perry & Associates, Inc. 

[email protected]


Chair - Programs 

Jeff DellaMaggiora


[email protected]


Chair - Education 

Tom Haslach

Trilogy FM

[email protected]


Chair - Sustainability

Clara Smith

[email protected]


Chair - Career Management 

Joseph Carroll 

IST Management Services 

[email protected]


Chair - Tours 

Martha Smith
CH Briggs 

[email protected]


Chair - Emerging Leaders

Carrie May


[email protected] 


Chair - Golf/Tennis Classic 

Stephen Christopher 

Royal Cup, Inc. 

[email protected]


Chair - Atlanta Workplace

Pam Essler

[email protected] 


Chair - CFM Certification

Harriet Whelihan

[email protected]




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 Read our blog at



Links to

Sustaining Patrons 

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Fellow Atlanta Chapter members: 


The start of a new year is always a good time for reflecting on the year gone by and looking forward to what the coming months will bring. I find myself halfway through my tenure as president looking back at the remarkable accomplishments the chapter has already achieved and thinking how proud I am to be a part of this dynamic organization. I can't think of a comparable group of people who display the kind of talent, dedication, and integrity that I have found among the members of this chapter. It's humbling and uplifting to see what people like that can accomplish when they share the same values and goals; I can only hope that I can support them - that is, you all - in my position as the chapter goes into the new year with plans for exciting new events and goals for even more remarkable achievements. 


In future letters I plan to share with you some of the elements of the chapter's Balanced Scorecard, which is our road map for progress and success as a premier chapter in the entire IFMA community. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season - Now let's go forth and make this year the best ever for IFMA Atlanta!




Ken Bryson, AIA, LEED, AP

IFMA Atlanta Chapter President




Dekalb Office Ad    



Upcoming Events



January 15th - Maximizing Human Energy


Maximizing human energy is the key to driving productivity in the workplace.


As our society has shifted from a primarily farming and manufacturing based economy, to a white-collar or "knowledge-based" economy, there have been dramatic increases in obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and depression. 


One of the reasons for this health decline is that we have become much more sedentary due to the nature of our jobs. Fuel Builders is a consultancy whose mission is to use education, fitness and nutrition to increase energy in the workplace, and to offset the dangers of prolonged sitting, which is typical for many professionals. Founders Julie Crow and Steve Naturman will share information on the adverse health effects of prolonged sitting and how to prevent the injuries and illnesses that lead to absenteeism and lost productivity in the workplace.


Human capital is on the rise in the workplace, with companies spending 70-90 percent of their overall expenses on their workforce. The key is maximizing that human capital to stay competitive in a global economy.


Julie Crow and Steve Naturman will share information on the adverse health effects of prolonged sitting and how to prevent the injuries and illnesses that lead to absenteeism and lost productivity in the workplace.  


Continuing Education Units Approved

Core Competencies for CFM: Human and Environmental Factors









February 4th - The Survival of the Facility Manager


FMs are having to do more with less,  justify their positions or be considered outsourced, and dealing with the same problems over and over.  


Please join us for a special  lecture by Dr. Dean Kashiwagi, IFMA Fellow, on addressing these issues using a leadership approach and not a technical one.   Meet the leading FM Best Value Expert and Researcher with over 20 years of tests/results.  This session is thought provoking, energizing, and sure to have you leave amazed with going forward.


Read Dr. Kashiwagi's bio here  





March 20th - CineBistro - Bonding, Business, Brains and Boffo




THE ASSOCIATES COMMITTEE After-Hours Event, March 20, 2014 "Bonding, Business, Brains, and Boffo!"


This event at CineBistro Brookhaven reprises our very successful 2012 event called "A Mixer and Motivation, a Meal and a Movie", only this time we will have a live speaker, more appetizers, and a tighter agenda. HERE'S WHAT "BONDING. BUSINESS, BRAINS, AND BOFFO!"


INCLUDES: Professionals and Associates will mix for an hour, have a free drink and heavy appetizers at Brookhaven's luxurious, gourmet CineBistro dinner theater lounge.



Then, after a short intermission, we'll move down the hall into IFMA's private theater where I promise you will enjoy listening to and learning from Mr. Bob Patterson,  Speaking Live about the workings of the human brain related to relationships, conflict, healing, and communications.  Learn how your brain works in "The Lizard, the Logic and Your Emotions"


Finally, have your spouse join you anytime, but certainly for a First Run Movie Selection (TBA) and Dinner from your First Class Leather Lounger from 7:30-9:30PM, where you'll both watch the movie and eat if you so choose to purchase anything!


Don't miss out!  Register now.


Read Bob Patterson's bio here  





Past Events



December 18th - Annual Awards and Non-Profit Luncheon




A special thank you to all who attended the December luncheon and your generosity for the donation of gift card in support of our partner organizations! 


IFMA would also like to recognize and congratulate all of the award recipients for 2013:  


  • Associate of the Year: Tom Haslach
  • Achievement in FM: Anthony Maddox
  • Martha Osborne CFM award: Clara Smith
  • Harry Ludwig Community Services Award: Wayne Stubbs
  • Distinguished Member:  Joseph Geierman
  • Special Recognition:  Harriet Whelihan




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Congratulations to William Broome and his department at The Westminster Schools!


The department at The Westminster Schools has been selected to receive the FMXcellence recognition. Along with the other honorees, William's department will be recognized at a general session at the National Facilities Management & Technology Conference, in the Baltimore Convention Center. 


The FMXcellence session will open the event on the morning of March 4, 2013. His efforts will also be highlighted in an article in Building Operating Management. 



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2014 IFMA Facility Fusion in Washington, D.C.


In recent years, trends like change management, sustainability and workplace strategy have been game changers for FMs.  These ideas have transformed the way we do business and provided new opportunities for success, but it's up to facility professionals to determine how we get there.  It's time to embrace change, become proactive instead of reactive and define your own future.  


Join us at IFMA Facility Fusion for high level facility management education, leadership training, industry specific best practices and more.


Register early and save up to $200!  Benefit for quality, on point FM education. A diverse three day program of educational sessions will address the latest trends; introduce forward thinking concepts; and prepare attendees to lead change and drive innovation in the workplace.  Sessions include:

  • The Future of FM Technology: Urbanization, Big Data and Analytics
  • Workplace as a Strategic Resource: A CEO's Perspective
  • Retro-commissioning: What, Why and How?
  • The Art of Facility Leadership
  • Leading from the Second Chair
  • Implementing the Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act







Haworth 2013 SP  



IFMA Needs Mentors!


IFMA is looking for facility managers to help mentor!  


What is a Mentor?


A mentor is an experienced facilities management professional who can provide professional advice and guidance to students and less experienced facilities management professionals to help them attain professional certifications and advance their professional growth.

Qualifications of Mentor

1.    Five plus (5+) years as a facilities management professional.

2.    Willingness to communicate with the mentee either in person, or by phone or email.

3.    Must be a certified member of the Atlanta Chapter of the International Facilities Management Association.

What are the responsibilities of a Mentor?

1.    Assist an IFMA Professional Member who needs help or guidance in areas including, but not limited to:

1.    Facilities management topics

2.    Advice on career-­-related objectives

3.    Help in attaining one or more professional credentials.

2.    Determine the mentee's goals and time frames.

3.    Establish best communication mode with mentee.

4.    Direct mentee to needed classes, seminars, study groups, knowledge sources on the particular competences

that will increase his/her knowledge/experience base.

5.    Send notes of encouragement.

6.    Discuss mentee's goals.

If the mentee is pursuing a facilities management certification, communicate with mentee during the application process, before taking exams and after the exam for either congratulations or support.

What are the benefits to being a Mentor?

1.    Receive 5 CFM maintenance points per year per person mentored. No documentation is required.

2.    Re-energizes the mentor's career.

3.    Satisfaction of mentoring another FM professional seeking advice, career guidance, credentialing status and

enhancing their professional and career potential.

4.    Raising the distinction of the designation into the Atlanta Business Market.

5.    Recognition from the Atlanta Chapter as a Chapter Mentor.

If you or anyone you know are interested, please contact:


Joe Carroll - 404-­582-­8859, email   

Clara Smith - 678-438­-1756, email   

William Broome -  404-471­-6480, email 



GA Tech Corner


Student Profile


John Fard is a PhD candidate in the School of Building Construction at Georgia Tech, focusing his research on healthcare facility management.  John is working with his advisor, Professor Kathy Roper, and a team of emergency medicine physicians at Emory University to evaluate how home hospital care impacts emergency department (ED) crowding using simulation modeling.  Hospital EDs are considered critical sources for health care, as they are referred to as the gateway to care for many people.  However they are often crowded and chaotic facilities.  Research has shown that ED crowding can lead to adverse health outcomes, reduced quality of care, reduced access to care, unsafe conditions in the facility, and financial losses.  In the continuing effort to control and reduce ED crowding, John's research study sets out to understand how the availability of remote care locations/beds can impact ED crowding.  This study incorporates home hospital care as the method for possible remote care, with potential for care to be administered remotely through telemedicine technology. 



The overarching objective of the study is establish and assess the relationship between home hospital care and ED crowding to gain an analytical understanding of how remote care could affect crowding.  While the scope of this study focuses around the tactical FM issue of ED crowding, the potential from this and from future studies could open the door to other aspects of facility management research, such as shifting into strategic FM activities.  Home hospital could have the potential to influence functional capacity of facilities, capacity planning research, studies of economic evaluations for avoiding or reducing capital project and operating costs, or research regarding market competition and maximization of revenue.  




Interested in contributing an article - or even in joining the Newsletter committee?  If so, then contact our Newsletter Committee Chair, Tammy Weeks, at [email protected]