June Newsletter


June 2014 President's Letter

To all my fellow Chapter members: As my presidential term comes to a close, I look back in awe at what the chapter has accomplished. I have been fortunate to preside over a year when a number of chapter activities came to fruition that had been ongoing, in some cases for years, beforehand. I cannot take credit for those achievements, …

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Upcoming Events

Georga Power Rebate Programs & Community Partner Recognition

Our guests for this meeting are representatives from our IFMA Atlanta Nonprofit Partners.  Prior to the Georgia Power program, there will be a presentation highlighting the work of the IFMA Atlanta Community Services Committee and introducing our Nonprofit Partners Synopsis of Presentation by Georgia Power: This training will provide an overview of the financial incentives available through Georgia Power’s Commercial …

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Facility Management Internships Real World Practices, Challenges and Opportunities

This session will be presented by two of IFMA Atlanta's own: Kathy Roper,. Georgia Tech and Joseph Geierman, Troutman Sanders.  Click on the link to read their Bios: K. Roper and J. Geierman Bios As a maturing industry, facility management has grown in importance and new formal programs of study are offered around the world.  …

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Economics of Ergonomics

This program has been submitted for approval of 0.1 CEU's from IACET Course Description: This presentation examines in detail the economic impact of ergonomic design interventions in commercial office environments. The talk reviews various cost justification metrics that can be used to evaluate the impact of an ergonomics program. It examines the benefits of ergonomics as an attribute of designed …

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Other Important News


IFMA Facility Fusion Recap by Christy Lowell and Dawn Abraham

Thanks to the wonderful opportunities the Atlanta Chapter of IFMA has afforded us, we received a scholarship to attend IFMA’s Facility Fusion in April.  Similar to World Workplace, Facility Fusion is a smaller, more intimate conference that offers networking, education, and an expo.  The Atlanta Chapter sends 2 Board members each year to attend the Chapter Leadership tracks.  We brought …

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June Sustainability Corner

President Obama Announces Commitments and Executive Actions to Advance Solar Deployment and Energy Efficiency President Obama has announced an additional $2 billion goal in federal energy efficiency upgrades to Federal buildings over the next 3 years. The challenge, in combination with the initial commitment of $2 billion in 2011, will result in a total of $4 billion in energy efficiency …

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June SPSU Corner

SPSU CM MCAA-Student Chapter Named NATIONAL CHAMPION for 2014 and STUDENT CHAPTER OF THE YEAR It is with pride that we announce that CM Student Team Faculty Adviser, Professor Maureen Weidner, and her team placed first at the national Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA) Competition held on 3/12/2014. To add icing to the cake, the team was also named …

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IFMA 2014 Volunteer Day

On Saturday, May 3, thirty-one IFMA Atlanta members, family, and friends turned out to assist our Nonprofit Partner Atlanta Community ToolBank with renovations in their new warehouse. ToolBank is using volunteers to help demolish interior walls and rooms in their new facility, which will save them approximately $25,000 on their renovation costs.  Skilled IFMA volunteers demolished two interior rooms, removed …

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